Statistics for game units in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
A dataset with the numerical values that determine the behavior and performance of selected military units available in AoE2:DE (July 2020 Game Update).
A data frame with 128 observations of 19 variables:
- unit
Unit name
- building
Building in which each unit is trained
- type
Unit class
- age
Age at which the unit becomes trainable
- cost_wood
Unit cost in Wood
- cost_food
Unit cost in Food
- cost_gold
Unit cost in Gold
- build_time
Training time in seconds
- rate_of_fire
Attack speed
- attack_delay
Retasking time
- movement_speed
Travel speed on land
- line_of_sight
Vision over the surrounding area
- hit_points
Unit health
- min_range
Minimum attacking range for ranged units
- range
Maximum attacking range for ranged units
- damage
Damage inflicted per attack
- accuracy
Chance that an attack will be on target
- melee_armor
Armor against melee attacks
- pierce_armor
Armor against projectiles
Age of Empires II. Copyright Microsoft Corporation. This dataset was created under Microsoft's Usage rules for Digital Goods using assets from Age of Empires II, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft. All information shown is an interpretation of data collected in-game with no guarantee on the accuracy of any of the data presented.