Comparative data for 16 species of primates with some broken values
A dataset with embedded subheaders and some values (T. obscurus, T. leucocephalus and N. bengalensis) in the scientific_names variable broken up across two rows (typically done to fit the content in a table).
A data frame with 19 rows and 4 variables:
- scientific_name
scientific names, with embedded subheaders for geographic region and taxonomic family and broken values
- common_name
vernacular name
- red_list_status
IUCN Red List Status in January 2017
- mass_kg
mean body mass in kilograms
Estrada, Alejandro, et al. "Impending extinction crisis of the world's primates: Why primates matter." Science Advances 3.1 (2017): e1600946. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600946