Unbreak values using regex to match the lagging half of the broken value
Unbreak values using regex to match the lagging half of the broken value
- df
A data frame with one or more values within a variable broken up across two rows.
- regex
Regular expression for matching the trailing (lagging) half of the broken values.
- ogcol
Variable to unbreak.
- newcol
Name of the new variable with the unified values.
- sep
Character string to separate the unified values (default is space).
- slice_groups
Deprecated. See details and Package News.
A tibble with 'unbroken' values. The variable that originally
contained the broken values gets dropped, and the new variable with the
unified values is placed as the first column. The slice_groups
argument is now deprecated; the extra rows and the variable with broken values will be dropped.
This function is limited to quite specific cases, but useful when
dealing with tables that contain, for example, scientific names broken across two rows.
For unwrapping values, see unwrap_cols
# regex matches strings starting in lowercase (broken species epithets)
unbreak_vals(primates2017_broken, "^[a-z]", scientific_name, sciname_new)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 4
#> sciname_new common_name red_list_status mass_kg
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Semnopithecus johnii Nilgiri Langur VU 11.45
#> 2 Trachypithecus obscurus Dusky Langur NT 7.13
#> 3 Presbytis sumatra Black Sumatran Langur EN 6
#> 4 Trachypithecus auratus East Javan Langur VU 6.25
#> 5 Trachypithecus delacouri Delacour's Langur CR NA
#> 6 Trachypithecus leucocephalus White-headed Langur CR 8
#> 7 Presbytis comata Javan Langur EN 6.7
#> 8 Macaca pagensis Pagai Macaque CR 4.5
#> 9 Trachypithecus germaini Germain's Langur EN 8.83
#> 10 Macaca munzala Arunachal Macaque EN NA
#> 11 Macaca mulatta Rhesus Macaque LC 9.9
#> 12 Semnopithecus hector Terai Sacred Langur NT 15.2
#> 13 Hylobates klossii Kloss's Gibbon EN 5.8
#> 14 Nycticebus menagensis Philippine Slow Loris VU 0.28
#> 15 Nycticebus bengalensis Bengal Slow Loris VU 1.21
#> 16 Nomascus concolor Western Black Crested G… CR 7.71